Minister announces important changes in response to COVID-19

Minister announces important changes in response to COVID-19

On Friday, some important amendments to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 were announced that provide the Minister for Planning with authority to temporarily override requirements and conditions set out in a local planning scheme, and existing conditions in planning approvals.

This could include exemptions relating to noise or amenity restrictions that guide supermarket deliveries, waste and recycling services and construction activities, and take-away and retail delivery services among other locally driven compliance requirements.

Under the amendments, the Minister for Planning can issue a notice to suppress local scheme provisions for a single council, across a specific region or across the State.

The regulations also provide for streamlined advertising and decision-making processes. In this COVID-19 crisis, where strict social distancing protocols are enforced, this provides for digital access to plans and safer means of public inspection rather than inviting community members to venture away from home and visit physical buildings.

A State of Emergency must be declared for these new regulatory provisions to have effect. Comments attributed to Planning Minister Rita Saffioti:

“These are unprecedented times and the McGowan Government has been working to identify extraordinary measures that can support urgent decision making, and ensure we can appropriately provide and care for the Western Australian community.

In a State of Emergency, these regulatory changes will provide the Government with an important mechanism to safeguard the supply of essential goods and services, help maintain civil order and lessen the administrative requirement for local councils in favour of direct frontline support in their communities.

We need to keep the trucks rolling and the shutters open, and while there might be some short-term inconvenience, we need greater flexibility, speed and a higher degree of co-ordination around our planning regulations to prioritise these services, at this time."

More information can be found on the Minister's website. The team at Altus Planning also welcomes any queries.