Approval for $107m Development in Como

Approval for $107m Development in Como

Altus Planning are pleased to announce that our first State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU) application has just been approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission. The mixed-used development will span over 4 sites, with 3 proposed towers ranging from 10 to 15 storeys, creating 224 residential apartments, as well as commercial and community uses centred around the retention of the existing 1931 chapel and the heritage Tuart Tree.

As the appointed planning consultant, we have worked closely with the proponents, Baptist Union of Western Australia and Como Bridge Pty Ltd, plus Sydney based architects, DEM (Aust) Pty Ltd over a 2 year period. During this time there have been a number of challenges including the outbreak of COVID and dealing with the new SDAU assessment pathway following an extensive period of engagement with the City of South Perth, Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan Design Review Panel and the local community.

We are also proud of the fact that this is quite literally down the road and in our neighbourhood. We look forward to watching this landmark development come to life.  For more details please contact Joe or Ben or visit Como Hub – Light on the hill (